Thursday, September 2, 2010

Welcome to the Farm!

WoRmECYCLE is an experiment in Community Supported Vermiculture  to promote the benefits of worm composting. It is a small, local CSV consisting of three multi-tray worm composting units. The flagship of our operation is our year-old, 5-tray Gusanito WormWrangler Worm Farm (available through This unit and our original 2 lbs of worms served our family of six extremely well last year, producing approximately 20 lb of castings, a constant supply of worm tea, and an amazing herd of red wigglers. To handle the anticipated increase in compostable material, we recently added an additional tray (six trays were estimated to be maximum capacity for the base by the supplier) and constructed two additional stand-alone towers. The new towers were built using stackable, deep propagation bins (available through The bottom tray of each is lined with a sheet of semi-permeable root barrier cloth to prevent worm exodus. Another layer of root barrier cloth covers the top tray, which is currently covered by extra bins turned upside down. These extra bins will be used to expand capacity when necessary. The two new towers are propped up on bricks over two copper trays that were previously under house plants.

1 comment:

Tribal Wind Arts said...

How Funny! i've been wanting to get a vermiculture bin going and researching my options. the mesh nursery trays was one idea that seemed perfect,then i found the deeper variety at the same spot you did.
did you notice , these are the same ones used on the "worm factory" that sells for $120? ;).

nice little blog and wonderful project for the kids, kudos! doing a great job guys!
